Bengal Tigers


Bengal tigers are strong animals.  They are the largest cat in the cat family.  They live in parts of India, Malaysia, China, Kazakhstan, Thailand and areas outside Thailand and more.  They are one of the endangered cat species in the world.  They are 6-ft long, now that is long!  Their averarage life time is 8 to 10 yrs long in the wild.  There are ways to help these beautiful animals.

  • by recycling paper and bottle
  • learning more about these animals
  • support the poeple that destroy their habitat by finding new jobs that does\not hurt the environment 

9 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    Luke Savage said,

    I like your third option. I had to do a double take… you want to support the bad guys?!? But you’re right… give them alternatives, move toward reconciliation, help them out of their destructive ways. Very smart, buddy!

  2. 2

    jeff waldon said,

    dear sir id like t help on this how can i help you

  3. 5

    kayla said,

    I LOVE tigers! They are beautiful animals! It would be sad if they went extinct.

  4. 6

    Kostya said,

    its very interresting man can post some more animals its very interesting to read

  5. 7

    Tajere said,

    Hey Im 9 years old and every time I see a comercail I probly spelled that rong it always want to make me cry so because I always think would that was me so I decidide to help those animals. Sincerely, Tajere Terry

  6. 8

    Tajere said,

    I just want help those animals be safe.

  7. 9

    erika said,

    I am 12 years old and i love animals

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